J. League official broadcaster SkyPerfecTV announced today that Yoichiro Kakitani’s incredible back-heel goal (against Thespakusatsu Gunma) has been chosen, through votes by football fans via their website, as the J2 Best Goal of the Month.
This means that his goal has become one of the candidates for the J2 Best Goal Award which will be announced at the end of the year.
【速報】3月のJ2月間ベストゴールは、セレッソ大阪 柿谷曜一朗選手の芸術的なヒールシュートに決定だじぇい!https://t.co/t22yOYkBo8 #スカパー @crz_official @yoichiro0103 https://t.co/OCsVusqtIF
— スカサカ!サッカー専門チャンネル (@sptv_jleague) April 9, 2016