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Cerezo Osaka fansite

Cerezo Osaka achieved the cup double

Posted at — Jan 1, 2018

Today must be the best New Year’s Day ever! Cerezo Osaka won 2-1 against Yokohama F. Marinos after 120 minutees in the Emperor’s Cup final today. It gave us a great end of the season and a great start of the year, as I wrote yesterday. Well, as I’m not entirely new to such experience now, this time I could raise my fists when the game finished (last time I just became literally speechless).

It was not just us who were pleased with the result. Former Cerezo Osaka player Takumi Minamino, who currently plays in Austria, posted a tweet of celebration. Takamitsu Yoshino also said congratulations on Twitter. Shinji Kagawa was watching the game at the stadium and Takashi Inui posted several Instagram stories while watching it.

Below are some of the photos and videos taken during and after the game. Let’s see them and taste the sweets of victory!


😆🎉㊗️🌸 . 🏆 #天皇杯 決勝 🆚 #セレッソ大阪 vs #横浜Fマリノス 🔢 2-1 #Jリーグ #jleague #優勝 #WINNERS . . #酒本憲幸 #柿谷曜一朗 #山口蛍 #水沼宏太 #清武弘嗣 #🌸

J.LEAGUE OFFICIALさん(@jleaguejp)がシェアした投稿 -


Só tenho a agradecer a Deus por esse ano de 2017, por tantas bênçãos e começa 2018 com mais um título é inexplicável🙌🙌obg meus amigos e familiares pelas mensagens, feliz 2018 pra todos vcs🙌🙌🙌

Deus é Fiél🙇さん(@souza0808)がシェアした投稿 -