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Cerezo Osaka fansite

Yuzo Tashiro retires from professional football

Posted at — Oct 20, 2018

Former Cerezo Osaka forward Yuzo Tashiro has announced his retirement from professional football on his Instagram account today.


引退報告 サッカーを始めて約30年、プロサッカー選手となってからは14年。 私、田代 有三は引退する事に決めました。 サッカーを通して様々な事を学び、様々な人と出会う事が出来、本当に幸せなサッカー人生だったと思います。そのきっかけを与えてくれた兄にも感謝です。 色々なチームのチームメート、スタッフ、関係者、サポーター。僕にサッカーを教えて頂いた指導者の方々。誰よりも近くでどんな時も見守ってくれた妻、子供達。そして30年間僕のサッカー人生を支えてくれたお父さんお母さん。本当にありがとうございました! 最高なサッカー人生でした。 最後にサッカー人生の半分以上サポートして頂いたミズノ様。ありがとうございました! プロ通算 365試合 104ゴール SNSでの報告で申し訳ありません。引退についての思いはここでは書ききれないのでスポルティーバで記事をアップして頂きます。 僕のInstagramトップページからご覧下さい。 #石丸小学校 #下山門中学校 #大濠高等学校 #福岡大学 #大分トリニータ #サガン鳥栖 #鹿島アントラーズ #モンテディオ山形 #ヴィッセル神戸 #セレッソ大阪 #wollongongwolves #引退報告 #ありがとうございました #ミズノ #mizuno #田代有三 #yuzotashiro

Yuzo Tashiro(@yuzo.tashiro)がシェアした投稿 -

Tashiro was born in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1982 and when playing in the world of university football, he made his debut at a professional level in 2003 as a specially designated player for Oita Trinita. He also played for Sagan Tosu next year and in 2005, he signed a professional contract with Kashima Antlers. He was called up to Japan national team for the first time in 2008 and has 3 caps at international level.

He joined Cerezo Osaka in 2015 after he left Vissel Kobe because he wanted to play overseas. With his enormous ability as a forward, especially in aerial and post play, he made a huge contribution to the team who were struggling in the second division and after helping the team go back to the J1 League, he left Cerezo and finally found a place to play overseas, Wollongong Wolves in 2017.

“About 30 years since I started playing football, 14 years since I became a professional footballer. I, Yuzo Tashiro, have decided to retire from professional football,” he wrote on Instagram.

“I’ve really had a happy life as a footballer as I learned a lot and met a lot of people through football.”

“Teammates, staff, people involved, supporters of the teams. Coaches who taught me football. My wife and children who have been the closest to me and supported me no matter when. My father and mother who have supported my football life for 30 years. Thank you so much! It was a great football life.”

Wish you good luck with your future, Tashiro!